Vísur 1–12 av 51 vørum
Jólakalendari við smáum bókum
kr.248.00Rithøvundur Turið Kjølbro, Niels Jákup Thomsen, Ymiskir Rithøvundar, Beinir Bergsson, Sanna Andrassardóttir Dahl, Jóhanna Heðinsdóttir Wolles, Silja Aldudóttir Undir tittul – við 24 Pixi bókum Samandrattur Aftan fyri hvørja lúku er ein klassisk søga, sum tú kanst lesa samna við øðrum, meðan spenningurin til jólini hækkar. Tá tann stóri dagurin kemur, hevur tú eitt lítið…
Jól í Hogwarts
kr.148.00“Jólini vóru í hondum. Ein morgun um miðjan desember vaknaðu tey í Hogwarts og sóu, at alt lá undir í høgum kava.” Soleiðis byrjar kapittul 12 í Harry Potter og Vitramannasteininum og tann hjartanemandi søgan um fyrstu jólini hjá Harry Potter í Hogwarts. Høllin er prýdd við stórslignum granntrøum, hugnakvøld í felagsrúminum hjá Griffendor, gleðin…
Glaskúla – lundi
kr.249.00Lundi (Puffin) Size of bauble 8x8x8cm. Artwork and drawings by Suffía Nón. This beautiful hand-blown glass ornament is designed by Suffía Nón and handpainted by a skilled painter. The ornament is inside-painted using bent-shafted brushes inserted through the opening in the glass. No two pieces are ever identical. The bauble comes in a nice gift…
Glaskúla – makrelur
kr.249.00Makrelur (Mackerel) Size of bauble 8x8x8cm. Artwork and drawings by Suffía Nón. This beautiful hand-blown glass ornament is designed by Suffía Nón and handpainted by a skilled painter. The ornament is inside-painted using bent-shafted brushes inserted through the opening in the glass. No two pieces are ever identical. The bauble comes in a nice gift…
Glaskúla – seyður
kr.249.00Seyður (Sheep) Size of bauble 8x8x8cm. Artwork and drawings by Suffía Nón. This beautiful hand-blown glass ornament is designed by Suffía Nón and handpainted by a skilled painter. The ornament is inside-painted using bent-shafted brushes inserted through the opening in the glass. No two pieces are ever identical. The bauble comes in a nice gift…
Elf-Talking BUddy-In-a-BOX
kr.129.00Description Enjoy Will Ferrell as Buddy the Elf in this one-of-a-kind “Buddy-in-a-Box” that says “Does someone need a hug?” Kit includes:- Unique pop-up “Buddy in a Box” ornament commemorating the memorable scene when Buddy tries to befriend a hostile raccoon. When Buddy pops out of the box he says the famous line, “Does someone need…